Sunday, 18 November 2012
Should Parents Be Held Responsible For Their Child’s Online Behavior?
The Internet is a big, dangerous place where kids can get in all kinds of trouble. That’s at least the line fed to us by various groups that advocate parents take a stricter approach in monitoring their children’s Internet usage. It’s a noble sentiment, but can parents be held responsible for their child’s actions online?
It’s an interesting question, and one that the German courts have been trying to tackle since 2007. At that time, a couple’s 13-year-old son had uploaded over 1,000 songs to various file-sharing networks. The record industry demanded that the kid’s parents pay the damages, but the parents refused and took the matter to court.
According to TorrentFreak, the record companies argued in court that the parents could be held responsible for their child’s action because they didn’t fulfill their parental obligations. By that, the plaintiffs meant that the parents didn’t do enough to educate and monitor their child in the first place, which led to the aforementioned uploading of songs. The District Court agreed with the record companies and ordered the couple to pay €5,380.
The parents took the case to the Court of Appeals, but they found no friends there either. The court once again ruled that the parents didn’t do enough to stop their son’s file-sharing. This time, however, the court said the cause was that the parents didn’t install some kind of monitoring or blockade software that would have prevented their son from installing file-sharing software on his computer.
After almost five years of fighting, the parents took the case to the Federal Court. The highest court in the land overturned the two previous rulings, and freed the parents from any responsibility. In the ruling, the Federal Court said that the parents had already fulfilled their basic parental obligations by teaching their son right from wrong. It was assumed that part of that would mean telling their child that piracy is wrong. What’s more is that the court also ruled that the parents were not required to monitor their son’s online activities as the plaintiffs argued.
Source : Zach Walton - Webpronews
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Proof-of-concept malware can share USB smart card readers with attackers over Internet

“The malware installs a special driver on the infected computer which allows for the USB devices connected to it to be shared over the Internet with the attacker’s computer.
In the case of USB smart card readers, the attacker can use the middleware software provided by the smart card manufacturer to perform operations with the victim’s card as if it was attached to his own computer, said Paul Rascagneres, an IT security consultant at Luxembourg-based security auditing and consulting firm Itrust Consulting, on Thursday. Rascagneres is also the founder and leader of a malware analysis and engineering project called, whose team designed this USB sharing malware.”
Source:Proof-of-concept malware can share USB smart card readers with attackers over Internet
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Businesses could be liable for criminal offences under proposed cyber attack laws
The Committee overwhelmingly voted to approve proposals to criminalise certain activity relating to cyber attacks last week. The proposals contain plans to make specified "legal persons" within companies liable for certain offences.
"Legal persons would be liable for offences committed for their benefit (e.g. a company would be liable for hiring a hacker to get access to a competitor's database), whether deliberately or through a lack of supervision," the European Parliament said in a statement. "They would also face penalties such as exclusion for entitlement to public benefits or judicial winding-up."
EU member countries will be required to "ensure that their networks of national contact points are available round the clock" and that they can "respond to urgent requests within a maximum of eight hours" in order to prevent cyber-attacks spreading across borders.
source : Businesses could be liable for criminal offences under proposed cyber attack laws
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So many people beliefs snoring is natural and cannot be control while others may think of snoring as a sign of being tired. one question my friends like asking me is SNORING A DISEASE? That one question is the main reason i decided to write this post after a slight research on snoring.
First of all, according to (Mark Stibich, Ph.D ) Snoring can be caused by having larger tissues in the throat and mouth. Tissue size increases with weight; that's why overweight people are more likely to snore. People who take alcohol or sedatives before sleep may snore because the tissues in the throat and mouth relax more.
based on (Mark Stibich) writing and other researchers, snoring is linked to health problem and should not be overlooked. My friend who used to snore badly while in high school can now sleep throughout without snoring, when i asked him to reveal that secret to me, he said the secret is DO MORE EXERCISE and Loss your weight keep it up untill you can sleep without snoring.
I started doing exercise for six months, i lost my weight and well trim with six packs but snoring was still there even with six packs not until another friend decided to tell me the truth about snoring. he told me about a product that helped him with snoring, i did not believe him until i tried it out.
Am going to tell you about this great product that help in stopping snoring. this product is 100% guarantee.
Stop Snoring Today!
So many people beliefs snoring is natural and cannot be control while others may think of snoring as a sign of being tired. one question my friends like asking me is SNORING A DISEASE? That one question is the main reason i decided to write this post after a slight research on snoring.
First of all, according to (Mark Stibich, Ph.D ) Snoring can be caused by having larger tissues in the throat and mouth. Tissue size increases with weight; that's why overweight people are more likely to snore. People who take alcohol or sedatives before sleep may snore because the tissues in the throat and mouth relax more.
based on (Mark Stibich) writing and other researchers, snoring is linked to health problem and should not be overlooked. My friend who used to snore badly while in high school can now sleep throughout without snoring, when i asked him to reveal that secret to me, he said the secret is DO MORE EXERCISE and Loss your weight keep it up untill you can sleep without snoring.
I started doing exercise for six months, i lost my weight and well trim with six packs but snoring was still there even with six packs not until another friend decided to tell me the truth about snoring. he told me about a product that helped him with snoring, i did not believe him until i tried it out.
Am going to tell you about this great product that help in stopping snoring. this product is 100% guarantee.
Stop Snoring Today!
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