Thursday, 20 December 2012

Where to live for better health

DID you know you can prevent health problems by simply changing location? 
Some medical conditions are better suited to certain geographic regions than others. We take a look at seven health concerns and the best places to avoid them.

Triggers: A range of things can bring on a migraine, including stress, smoke, loud noises, sunlight, toxins and extreme weather conditions (such as changes in barometric pressure from storm fronts or extreme cold or humidity). "A lot of migraine triggers are very specific to the person," says Dr Ronald McCoy, spokesperson for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Talk to your GP about what sets you off.

Move to: any location where your triggers are less common. Unsure? Try shadier, quieter, less polluted areas with more moderate weather patterns.

Triggers: A Canadian study found that exposure to air pollution might increase your risk of developing appendicitis, as pollutants can cause inflammation. The condition was worse during summer (when people are more likely to be outdoors), and mostly affected men.
Move to: anywhere with lovely, fresh air. Avoid smoggy urban or industrial areas and if you do live there, stay indoors on bad days.

Mosquito-borne diseases
Triggers: Debilitating diseases like Dengue fever and Ross river fever are more prevalent in hot, tropical climates and northern parts of Australia. Mosquitoes also proliferate when wind speed is low and there are pools of water available for breeding. Heavy rainfall or flooding can also cause an outbreak in non-tropical areas.

Move to: a cooler, dryer, less humid area where mosquitoes don't thrive (generally, any state south of Queensland). Avoid mossies during wet weather by staying indoors at dawn and dusk, covering up and steering clear of swamps and ponds.

Arthritis and musculoskeletal problems
Triggers: Some research shows that rheumatoid arthritis symptoms may worsen in colder and/or more humid climates. Others show that environmental exposure to things like pollution, hairspray, cosmetics and airports may trigger autoimmune diseases.

Move to: warm, fresh, less populated areas away from airports, major roads and highways. "Often aches and pains are less of a problem in warmer climates," says Dr McCoy. "That's why when people retire they often got to a climate they find easier to deal with."

Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Triggers: A new Australian study found that greater sun exposure and higher levels of vitamin D may protect against multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic disease of the brain and spinal cord.
Move to: sun-drenched regions where you can't help but manufacture vitamin D. During extended wet periods, boost your D through diet and supplements.

Triggers: A Canadian university researcher found that prolonged exposure to high pollutant levels from things like car exhaust fumes and industrial air pollution can lead to hospitalisation for pneumonia, especially in older people.
Move to: less polluted regions away from busy roads and industrial areas. Boost your immune system with a healthy diet and exercise.

Triggers: We know that the most common risk factor for stroke is high blood pressure (hypertension), which can be exacerbated by obesity, diabetes and stress, but you may not know that getting treatment within 60 minutes of a stroke can prevent disability and lead to better health outcomes.
Move to: an area where you have access to fresh fruit and vegetables, opportunities for exercise (such as parks and gyms) and good hospitals and medical help.